Where is your product made

Manufacturing map

We as a brand want to help you make the most informed decision in your buying process to avoid dissatisfaction later. To help you with these decisions we created a manufacturing map. This map is a tool to learn about where our products are made and where our materials suppliers within our supply chain are located.


Together with our suppliers, we drive each other to more responsible ways of producing. We have built good relationships with suppliers overseas, but are also proud of our manufacturers nearby Germany or Portugal, as we encourage to reduce our carbon footprint. For the next years, we will focus more and more on transparency and sustainability.

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We are a brotherhood of manufacturers, employees, materials suppliers, and our own team, where loyalty and transparency are priorities to create the best possible wardrobe for the modern gent.

We build long-term relationships

At Dstrezzed we think it is important to know our manufacturers and build long-term relationships, to respect one another, and to help each other grow.'