Chapter 2
Play among the wavesThere’s something about being out on the water that gives a sense of wild adventure. The salty air, the unpredictability of the waves, the endless sky above you. The views captivate you and make you realize how small we all are in comparison to nature. There is a bite to the cold wind so you take shelter inside to play games and encourage your competitive spirits.

A collection rich in knitwear, and a wide range of variety. We focus on high quality fabrics, a lot of natural wool for its robust and environmentally conscious qualities, and of course for necessary warmth. We play around with layers, with spencers, chenille vests, and grandad cardigans.
'Play around with layers'
The modern style clash can be seen throughout, especially by combining a classic Nordic print knit with a tough denim shirt. A classic for a winter wardrobe, checks are scattered throughout product categories.